
not from map, but from memory

23 November, 2011

The drawings that I am working on from my Cambridge tours (October 2011) were made from memory, not from the map, as I thought I would do. As a result the proto-geometric* shapes appearing and developing with a certain sequence do have a certail quality because they do not derive from an actual tangible place, but a place which is in my mind, and that I reconstruct from memory onto paper.

*  “...a protogeometry that addresses vague, in other words vagabond or nomadic, morphological …Protogeometry, the science dealing with them is itself vague, in the etymological sense of ‘vagabond’, it
is neither inexact like sensible things, nor exact like sensible things, nor exact like ideal essences, but an exact, yet rigorous…    A theorematic figure is a fixed essence, but transformations, distortions, ablations, and argumentations all of its variations form problematic figures, that are vague yet rigorous ‘lens shaped’, ‘umbelliform’, or ‘ideated’ … nomad science is made out to be a ‘prescientific’ or ‘parascientific’ or ‘subscientific’ agency…”

Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guittary, ‘Nomadology: The War Machine’, transl. B. Massumi, Foreign Agents Series, p.27


ROCKFLUID is awarded Grants for the Arts, Arts Council of England, within the Escalator Programme. ROCKFLUID is supported by Colchester Arts Centre, Wysing Arts Centre and the University of Cambridge, while opening up to other collaborating institutions.


Studio: Wysing Arts Centre
Fox Road, Bourn, Cambridge, CB23 2TX

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Copyright © 2011-2016 Elena Cologni. All rights reserved.

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