Urban Interventions


ROCKFLUID was invited for a residency in the summer 2013 by Annalica Cattani at NOVELLA GUERRA  .  I can’t help it but link this context and opportunity back to my piece RE-MOVED at CCA in Glasgow.  Whereas there the tear in the city urbanistic texture was caused by demolition and linked to regeneration, often happening in cities, what happened around Emilia Romagna in recent months was due to natural causes. The earthquake managed to cancel centuries of history and …. well memories here too one year ago.

I shall develop the work from this starting point

September 2013, What Happened…

after wondering around the site, I think I have found my favourite bit and started developing a series of drawings accordingly, initial sketch below, many more to come

see you on the 4th of October at Novella Guerra for a work in progress opening!



ROCKFLUID is awarded Grants for the Arts, Arts Council of England, within the Escalator Programme. ROCKFLUID is supported by Colchester Arts Centre, Wysing Arts Centre and the University of Cambridge, while opening up to other collaborating institutions.


Studio: Wysing Arts Centre
Fox Road, Bourn, Cambridge, CB23 2TX

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Copyright © 2011-2016 Elena Cologni. All rights reserved.

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