
Methodology, Education, Art

15 February, 2012

13 February, Mphil Arts Culture and Education, Faculty of Education at Cambridge University

My active lecture ‘Visual Art: Practice and Research defined by each other’ tried to propose participatory art within  action reasearch framework, and  participatopry research models.

Within this art practice as research is an element, the visual allowing for more deep, open, subjective, critical communication with participants. Participants are involved at different stages of the developemnt of the project and their input moves the path of the project itself. Participants have different roles: co-researchers, technicians, public and intervene at different stages of the project…

Interesting discussion emerged, below students introduction






active particiaption and drawing exercise below











and Cologni, back to discussion  afterwards










ROCKFLUID is awarded Grants for the Arts, Arts Council of England, within the Escalator Programme. ROCKFLUID is supported by Colchester Arts Centre, Wysing Arts Centre and the University of Cambridge, while opening up to other collaborating institutions.


Studio: Wysing Arts Centre
Fox Road, Bourn, Cambridge, CB23 2TX

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