Science Festival Cambridge, 23-25 March 2011
The workshops were for pupils from reception, year 1, year 2 and year 3. After having defined what memory is, the children engaged in a series of practical exercises to understand the stages of memory: sensory memory, short term memory and long term memory. They were asked to draw from memory: firstly by recollecting an event or a favourite toy. Afterwards the kids walked in a line and stopped after having formed a shape. In having paid attention to it, and once back to their sits, they were asked to draw it. The pupils were made to compare all the drawings displayed onto the floor and discussed the subjective element in memory and drawing, as compared for example to the medium of photograph.
Children to draw their favourite toy from memory (long term memory)
Children to walk and create a shape with their position in space
Drawings of the shaped walk from memory (short term memory)
Many thanks to:
The School Headteacher Mr J McCrossan and teachers Miss E Eden, Mrs Tina Ruvolo, Miss A Waterson, Miss R Swindell, Mrs R Sewell and Miss S Schofield and to all pupils